Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A simply complicated intro.

So, started this thing quite some time ago and after creating it never actually made a single post. Feeling inspired today I thought, "I'm going to find me that blog I started a while ago and actually do something with it. Then I'll go and do something of a more productive nature." So here we are. Welcome to the supposive inside of my head. Bad spelling, terrible grammar, and some how it all makes sense it a non-sensical way (Note: I often make up words so give me heads up when you see a word which may not actually exist). Indeed it's quite the quizabug.

This is my vaugue attempt at an intro. to this whole blog of mine. This way you were all warned and can't come back to me later when you get to deep into the inner workings of my brain because, this could get messy. No guarantees on what could happen or how things could go down. Just sit back, buckle in, and pray for your life because I guarantee the guy without the last name, sitting next to you, won't be making it out of this one. And welcome to the Remix.


At 12:40 PM, Blogger scuba said...

i feel the coolness radiation through the monitor...


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