Friday, October 27, 2006

Its those precious moments that make the day

Yesterday I found myself in quite a bit of pain. It was of the stomache variety of pain and well after ignoring it for some time I found that the feeling that my stomache may explode had to be dealt with. For you girls out there I can fully understand your complaints of feeling bloated now. It still doesn't hurt as much as being a guy and getting kicked in the crotch but I'm willing to be semi-sympathetic to you guys on this case. Just don't whine to much.
After assesing my stomache pain I deemed it necessary to go out and find relief, possibly Tums or maybe just eat a whole lot of food and hope it all evens out. As I walked through the hub, clutching my stomache in pain I noticed on the big screen this quick news report. I saw elmo and drug in the same sentence so I had to stop and look for a moment. Check this out,2933,225138,00.html?sPage=fnc.national/crime. Makes you really wonder about that tickle me elmo. Certainly explains that smile.... oh well at least cookie monster is still good. You know, once he gets out of rehab
Fleece it out my friends.


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