Tuesday, November 28, 2006


I have nothing to post a blog about so that's what I'm going to do. I have nothing to tell you and nothing to say. There is nothing to be put here or there or anywhere. I have nothing to say about sexy carrots or runny babbits. Nothing to say of manly men or the pretty girl who just walked in the room. I can't think of a thing to talk about, not about dreams nor god. No profound revelations or a tale of the past. No recollection of gang wars or christian pirates turned cook. If you ask me what I have to say about growing hostility between people and how if only we could all talk it out in a friendly enviroment that we could work it out I, would have nothing to say. What do I think of the sky today? Nothing. Do I think that the quality of tv shows for kids has gone down since I was a child? I think nothing of it. Are kids wimpier than they were when I was kid but think they're tougher? Why ask me because I have nothing to say about it. What do I think of the presidential candidates? Nothing. What about gas prices? Nothing. What's todays date? Nothing. What was destroying Fantasia in the Neverending Story? Nothing. What time is it? 1:26...nothing. Search for the hidden meaning behind all of this and you'll find nothing just as well.
So does anyone have anything to say?


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