Thursday, February 01, 2007

A Matter Most Urgent

For Christmas my grandmother got me a Lord of the Rings puzzle and a penguin mug. I have yet to begin the puzzle but, every morning I like to grab my new mug and fill it with some beverage. I intend to find an appropriate tea to drink to start my day but will need guidance on such things. Anyway, I grab my mug each morning and stand before the window in our living room. I gaze out upon the landscape and think thoughts and let ideas float through my mind. Sometimes I talk with God and share such thoughts with him. It's real nice and kind sets the day for me. Unfortunately I have been unable to do this for quite some time and it's thrown me off and denied my mug a greater meaning to it's existence. Such things should not be. I plan on making endeavours to have my mug morning time and will inform you on how it goes.


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