Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Good Luck

I am one seriously lucky individual. I mean really, I have an abnormal amount of luck on my side, blessings even. I have to say something because it's just true. I've managed to pull my butt out of situations that would have ended terribly for me. I've found that I am that guy who just misses something horrific happening to him. Hey I'm not complaining, if anything I am incredibly grateful for such a blessing. I think it's coming from my Irish side or something. Why am I talking about this? Well, this girl next to me has been watching some weird Asian show or movie or I don't know but she's been watching it. I don't understand it at all. The subtitles are in Japanese I think and the title of the whole thing is Good Luck and that's what got me thinkin about my own luck. Whatever it is she's watching I can't stop watching it. I don't know why. I can't understand it but I'm just sucked in and adding my own dialogue for the characters. We have main dude #1 who had severly injured his leg after having fallen from a plane during an evacuation or something. He seems to be trying to deal with deep emotional issues so that he may once again take his place in the cockpit and fly the skies. There's this girl I've entitled some girl and she's all about this main dude. He rejects her due to his own deep emotional scaring but she helps him to find the passion he needs to fight and get back to his job. This is at least my interpretation of everything and all. Unfortunately she's stopped watching it now so I'm just left hanging. How long before he flys again? Can their be anything between main dude and some girl? What the hell are they all saying? My friends we have hit some dark times in this saga and may never find the closure necessary to move on.


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