Wednesday, January 24, 2007

And If You Put It On Your Head, It's a Hat

Settling into this semester's classes has been a little rough in the last 24 hours or so. I already dropped one class and will be dropping another before the end of today. It's not a bad thing as one class I don't need to be taking and can replace with something I need to graduate and the other I just wasn't prepared for and did terrible in the class that came before it. It seemed logical to go back and retake the class to see if I could learn something this time around. After going through all this it looks like I may be able to graduate on time after all but, it will require some sacrifice on my part and well I'm not to thrilled about that. Been talkin with the Big Man (God, just in case you didn't know) and he's been helping me out with alot of things so I'm trustin him to guide me through this. I'm just trying to keep alert and listening for the message.

The prospect of the real world is a rather frightening one and such is especially true when you have no idea what it is you are to do after you graduate. This pisses me off on a couple of levels. First is that college was suppose to be about finding one's self, in a sense, and trying to figure out what it is you have a passion for and then pursuing that. Now we get such bs forced on us that it pisses me off. People say take your time and figure it out but then they turn around and say but know what you want to do. There is no longer the option to play around a bit and figure it out so much as there is just you knowing what you're suppose to do so you don't get priced gouged by the university or college (because there is a difference between the two). After a while such things can make a person question the worth of higher education. Maybe I'm just pissed because I'm a junior with 39-36 credits left to take before I can graduate and I've only now started to seriously consider what the hell I'm suppose to do with this stupid degree. Make a freaken hat out of it? An oragami crane perhaps? Or maybe I'll just stick it on my parents' fridge and be done with it.


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