Sunday, February 25, 2007

Any Body Up For An Early Breakfast?

At this moment I find myself some what "stranded" at home in the poconos because of the latest snow storm. My car is not safe for driving in the snow, at all, in any way shape or form. I remain grateful to my parents for providing me with a means to travel about but cannot help but to feel frustrated with getting stuck with a car that is completely incapable of traveling when even the slightest amount of snow is on the ground. All I can do for now is bide my time untill spring arrives and brings freedom and sweet release from this accursed winter. To sum up:
I do not enjoy cold weather and that which is associated with it(snow).

It's sometime past 12 am at the time I'm typing this up. I felt this compulsion to post something as it has been far too long. I apologize for depriving you all of the joy of reading my inner thoughts put into blog form. I'll refrain from causing such pain in the future...for the most part. I was going to post something a little while back but then Nate posted a rather interesting blog on his spiritual life and journey and all. It seems that we are in something of the same position so I felt that his blog sufficed in summing up many of my thoughts and feelings. I will post my own thoughts on such things another time. I'll work on finding the time in my day to do so shortly. Lately I've been making an effort to get in daily work outs, of sorts, in an effort to prepare for this intramural track meet happening in March. It's nice to have something like this to give me a bit of focus that I've been lacking in my life. It somewhat inspires me to explain the my passion for running. I have no intention of doing so now but I suppose I will do so shortly. I dare not keep the masses waiting but I need some time to focus my thoughts and intentions. Bear with me kind fold, bear with me.


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