Saturday, January 16, 2010

I awoke several hours later in a daze

I find more and more that I don't simply choose to go to sleep often. I often just pass out and awake several hours later in a daze and stumble out of bed or off the couch or out of a chair. It leaves me very disoriented, but I imagine it must be amusing for those who get to see it.

Snow and rain fall at the plateau again and this new year is much like the old one in that it is still frozen. Literally frozen, not some deep metaphorical frozen. We'll get around to that soon enough, but for now we keep moving forward.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

New Year, Still Cold

Happy new year everybody. 2010 finally made it and now we get to see what is to come of it. Rock it out and stay out of unnecessary trouble. One should never stay completely out of trouble.