Fufilling the spoons potential
I've been doing some serious thinking, serious serious thinking. I should say I had been doing some serious thinking; actually I should say I had a casual thought float through my head if I'm going to be accurate. At any rate, the thinking concerns the spoon when being used to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
First thing is that everyone needs to know that a spoon is the most effective way to scoop and spread jelly. You need a spoon for jelly and then a knife for peanut butter. God help you if you use one utensil for both. Jar mixing is forbidden and (should be) punishable by death. Though, what if we could use the spoon more effectively? What if one untensil is really all you needed? Notice how the scooper can effectively scoop jelly and spread it. Half the sandwich is done now, now turn that bad boy upside down. BAM, now you have a flat surface for spreading peanut butter. Incredibly efficient and minimalizes dishes to be washed. Truly a stroke of genius, if I do say so myself. Yes indeed and not just because I have far too many spoons and far too few knives.
Carry on all and spread the word.