Coming to life
I love spring. It's my favorite season. After a hard cold winter, where it would seem the cold outside penetrates our very hearts, spring comes. The warmth of the sun thaws the world and life slowly returns. To me there is nothing quite as exciting as feeling spring sunshine and gentle breezes on my face; it is a call to come back to life and I must answer it.
Too often do we all receive a call to live and deny it. God made us all to live and yet we so boldly deny that. We claim to understand what it means to live, but our actions speak so differently. Men and women working at jobs and on projects that seem to suck life from them rather then bring them to life. How can that be? Why would we choose that? And yet, I see my peers march off to pursue such a life. Fellow young adults (20 somethings) go to college and focus on nothing more than the moment and building this "life" concerning making money, finding a spouse, and acquiring. Simply acquiring. Objects, wealth, fame, or ever so vain value. Value as defined by those around us and not by ourselves or God. And for what? to live the life the world tells us is good? Live that life... it would seem more appropriate to say die that death.
Let's stop choosing death. Persue passions, dreams, and come to life! That's what this world needs, people who have come to life. I hear the call to come to life and I'm going to answer it. I hope I'm not alone in this journey.