Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Back in the game

Classes for the spring semester started yesterday on the fair University Park campus of PSU and so I find myself once again thrown into the fray. Last semester I manged to screw up pretty nicely so, with this new semester upon me, I hope to make a big turn around from the screw ups of the fall semester. As I sit here typing up my hope to turn around from my sucking last semester, there's this girl sitting across from me eating this sandwich. I feel compelled to ridicule how she's eating this thing. I mean it's a freaken sandwich and yet she's sitting there cutting a little piece out of it at a time to eat it. Grab the freaken sandwich, cram it in your mouth, and take a freaken bite gosh. Sorry about that, just had to let out the fustration of watching that foolishness.
I'd like to make a note on the consistency of posts appearing here: There is no consistency. It's my blog and I'll make up the rules as I see fit or as it amuses me. Not that I've received complaints but I realize that I've failed at consistently posting things ina timely manner. I though I'd put some general guidlines up just to help you all out.

Good day to you all.


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