Monday, January 22, 2007

In Your Freaken Eye

I some how found myself thinking about the complexity of guys vs. girls while I walked to the bus stop one afternoon. Guys are kind of like that kids toy with all the different shapes put into a table and then the kid is suppose to put the right shape into the right slot. Guys would be the table and girls would be the one's putting the shapes into the right slot. Now girls, if you try to cram a circle into a triangle's slot, it's not going to work. Understand? Now for the guys: girls are much different and much much more complicated.

Girls are kind of like a rubik's cube which, on it's own is fairly complicated, but there's more. They're like a rubik's cube that some one hurls at your face while they are driving by and the thing hits you in your freaken eye. Now you're on the ground clutching your eye asking why over and over again and trying to do a freaken rubik's cube without depth perception.
Such is the conclusion I came to the other day. This is inspired by nothing more than my own crazy, crazy, genius thoughts.


At 5:28 AM, Blogger scuba said...

Simply yes...girls are like a robiks cube in the eye...


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