Monday, January 22, 2007

Perhaps an Intern To Take Down My Thoughts

I am now in week 2 of classes of the spring semester which means, for those of you keen on the progression of numbers, week 1 has already passed. Thus have I succesfully had all my classes for the semester and, I must say, they look great. Looks like I have a good set of profs. for some fairly interesting classes. I'm worried about one class that I'm not really prepared to take, but my professor is willing to work with me which is awesome. Things look good for this semester and I hope to do extremely well and stay focuse on my studies.

So While I was in class, paying attention, I had a profound thought. We're not talking about a crazy profound thought compairable to the profound thoughts of someone who is completely inebriated. Unfortunately I forgot it and didn't write it down so it is lost to me. I'm currently working with God to get it back and will notify you all once it is back in my possesion. I know it had to do with the plateau and working and God but the rest is lost to me.


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