Elijah and love
Admittedly I've been slacking when it comes to posting a new blog on occasion. With the close of the semester I hope to start adding more to this but we'll see.
Well it seemed it was only a matter of time before a post about love made its way on to this blog. Such things are fated to happen at one point or another and it seems that now is the time for it to happen here. So, recently my mother gave birth to my new little brother. He is number 5 in the set and with him we can see the male numbers in this family start to tip the scale against the females. This all happened last weekend on the 9th I believe. I was constantly told that I should act more excited but I wasn't sure what the appropriate response to everything was to be. I decided it would be appropriate to do a little jig and that would suffice and that's all anyone's going to get out of me.
After a nice car ride where my grandmother would constantly remind me to drive the speed limit and take every oppurtunity to critique my driving, we got to the hospital to visit my mother and see this kid. When they finally brought him in I couldn't help but just stare at this little bundle of blankets with his tiny eyes just looking at everything. I looked at this kid and you know I knew I loved him instantly.
It's weird, I mean this kid just came into the world and this is the first time I've seen him but I love him as much as a brother can love his sibling. I want to protect him, guide him, teach him, and help him to grow. I want to do anything for this kid just as I would like to for my other siblings. I've been thinking about this love I have for him and realized that this is just how my parents must have felt when each one of their children were born. This love, that I should love someone I've just met but have been waiting for, it's crazy to me. This is how it is with God's love, the way Jesus loves us.
God loves you the moment he sees you, the love is there waiting for you. It doesn't make much sense but at the same time it makes perfect sense. His love is just that endless and he has it for each and everyone of his foolish lost children. He wants to guide us, teach us, show us the way to go, protect us, and do anything for us. It's all something crazy to me but, I'm grateful for that love. You know this kid is too young to hold the idea that I exist when I'm not in his line of sight but that's ok with me I still love him and so even if God isn't in your line of sight, he still loves you. Well that's all I've got for now just do me a favor and say a prayer for this new little brother of mine. His name is Elijah he weighs about 6 pounds is no bigger than my fore arm and was born with as much hair as I had on my head when I was born. He'll some day show up his older brother.
Oh yeah do you know why the older brother is born first? It's to protect the little brothers and sisters who come after him don't forget it.