Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Everything You Could Ever Need Minus The Phone

Often I wonder if my phone does enough things and the answer is no, no it does not. I think it's time I put away $600 so I can get me an iphone. Sometimes I think that our gadgets now adays just don't do enough. We need to keep cramming more and more pointless special features into everything and anything possible. Go go gadgets.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Any Body Up For An Early Breakfast?

At this moment I find myself some what "stranded" at home in the poconos because of the latest snow storm. My car is not safe for driving in the snow, at all, in any way shape or form. I remain grateful to my parents for providing me with a means to travel about but cannot help but to feel frustrated with getting stuck with a car that is completely incapable of traveling when even the slightest amount of snow is on the ground. All I can do for now is bide my time untill spring arrives and brings freedom and sweet release from this accursed winter. To sum up:
I do not enjoy cold weather and that which is associated with it(snow).

It's sometime past 12 am at the time I'm typing this up. I felt this compulsion to post something as it has been far too long. I apologize for depriving you all of the joy of reading my inner thoughts put into blog form. I'll refrain from causing such pain in the future...for the most part. I was going to post something a little while back but then Nate posted a rather interesting blog on his spiritual life and journey and all. It seems that we are in something of the same position so I felt that his blog sufficed in summing up many of my thoughts and feelings. I will post my own thoughts on such things another time. I'll work on finding the time in my day to do so shortly. Lately I've been making an effort to get in daily work outs, of sorts, in an effort to prepare for this intramural track meet happening in March. It's nice to have something like this to give me a bit of focus that I've been lacking in my life. It somewhat inspires me to explain the my passion for running. I have no intention of doing so now but I suppose I will do so shortly. I dare not keep the masses waiting but I need some time to focus my thoughts and intentions. Bear with me kind fold, bear with me.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Da Real World

Sometimes when I'm washing my hands in the bathroom I like to look in the mirror and make funny faces at myself. I have a good time and my hands are cleaned in the process and thus I have added it to the list of things I do on facebook. I told Jason that if he was ever confused about hearing an abnormal amount of laughter coming from the bathroom that this is why. He reassured me that he doesn't find a need to ask questions and I'm willing to accept this.

So continuing my thoughts on the leap from college to the "real world", I believe I have found what career I wish to persue. That career is office linebacker. I really feel like it's something I could get into. Makin a real difference in the office world and putting my IST degree to real use. If only such a thing was a possible major then there'd be no problem. It would work with the teamwork that we learn in IST. Incredible vacations, and well just seeing the world. Maybe someday...someday...

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Crispy Golden Goodness

It seems people have taken to trying to advertise crap via the comments on my blog here. That's not going to fly with me and shall not be an occuring thing from this point on. Moving on I went to sheetz today and well that was just awesome. Got me a 12 inch steak sandwich and some fries and it was glorious. I mean I was running on empty, my car was running low on gas and sheetz was the only solution and I am happy about that. I could only describe those fries as cripy golden goodness. I was feeling pretty out of it but after that I was rejuvinated; restored even. You just can't beat that MTO goodness that you can find near, just about, every psu campus. Such is why I am a proud member of the facebook group Sheetz Could F__k Wawa Up any Day of the Week (trying to keep down my swearing so I edited the name).

Wawa is alright and all if you just want a sandwich or something. It's not bad at all but then lets say you want your self a mean bacon cheese burger at 1:28 in the morning? You go to sheetz fool. Get your self hooked up and treated right. Maybe get some bad ass schmuffins. Where else can you get a schmuffin? No where else. I have nothing against wawa but I do have something against people who have something against sheetz. Alright you like wawa that's great but deal with it. Sheetz is the new hotness and you can't mess with the new hotness. Though I would wish otherwise, it seems that the sheetz vs. wawa conflict will see no end any time soon. Fortunately there is safe neutral territory for both sheetz and wawa customers. This place is called turkey hill and if you live in Lancaster I'm sure you know much more about it than I do.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

A Matter Most Urgent

For Christmas my grandmother got me a Lord of the Rings puzzle and a penguin mug. I have yet to begin the puzzle but, every morning I like to grab my new mug and fill it with some beverage. I intend to find an appropriate tea to drink to start my day but will need guidance on such things. Anyway, I grab my mug each morning and stand before the window in our living room. I gaze out upon the landscape and think thoughts and let ideas float through my mind. Sometimes I talk with God and share such thoughts with him. It's real nice and kind sets the day for me. Unfortunately I have been unable to do this for quite some time and it's thrown me off and denied my mug a greater meaning to it's existence. Such things should not be. I plan on making endeavours to have my mug morning time and will inform you on how it goes.